Thursday, 8 May 2014

"See they say that I'm a role model, but I didn't ask to be." - Chipmunk

If you’re aged 11-18 this post is especially for you.

How many celebrities can you name that are classed as role models?

I can think of loads! Beyonce, Beckham, Will Smith, Katy Perry… the list goes on. But is that the job they signed up to? No, probably not. 

Their dream was to be a singer, or an actor, or a footballer. Many have done nothing to earn that position in society except for having lots of money and, more importantly, many don’t even want that title.

I’m guessing you follow your favourite celebrities on Twitter and Instagram and no doubt you see quotes about life, relationships and money. But please take a moment to consider what amazing characteristics they have that make them so inspiring to you before you feed on their advice. If it’s just that they are beautiful or that they have nice cars and clothes, that is not enough. 

An inspiring quote on Twitter can be great. But are you surrounding yourself with real solid guidance that can truly help you navigate your way through life, not just a quote from Rihanna about what friends you should cut out of your life.

I challenge you to look at the people around you, and see what qualities they have that you admire and respect. Qualities of the heart like kindness, boldness, perseverance, forgiveness, love and peace. Then try and reflect those qualities in your own life. 

Perhaps you could look to your mum or dad, or an older sibling, maybe a teacher? If you still can’t think of anyone then try my favourite role model of all - Jesus. He faced the hardest challenges and he overcame every single one of them with a pure heart. I know I will never be perfect like Jesus, but I can try with all my heart to be more like him every day. 

Read good books, listen to great music, surround yourself with wonderful people and experience life for yourself so that one day you might be a real role model for someone else.


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