Thursday 14 August 2014

Blessed to be a blessing

I was speaking with someone recently about the situation in Iraq and the trouble that Isis are causing. I said that we take it for granted how free we are living in the UK. We are free to be of whatever faith and free to be who we want to be with no real fear of persecution. 

The person then said: “I don’t feel right saying I’m blessed to live in the UK, because in saying that am I saying the people in Iraq and other countries filled with persecution and war are not blessed?”

It’s a good question, and I’m sure it could be argued many different ways but here’s what I think.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

The Bible tells us that God chose Israel and he blessed them in a special way, but this wasn’t so that they could think they are better than other people or see others as lesser than themselves. God did it so that they would be a blessing to the whole world. Their job was to use their influence for the good of everyone else. 

Living in a country that isn’t facing the horrors of persecution we see reported in the media is a blessing, but it doesn't mean the people in those countries are not blessed. And it certainly doesn’t mean that because you are blessed you are superior or can sit back and relax because you’re in a good situation. God blesses us so that we can use our blessing and use our influence.

I believe that God designed blessings to be received and passed on, not to hold tight and keep to ourselves. That is why we feel so much satisfaction in helping other people. 

I am guilty of often being selfish with my blessings and not using them the way God intended me to, without even realising. I think we all are at times. But now I’ve written this post I have no more excuses, and now you’ve got this far in to reading it you have no excuse either.

Maybe you are blessed with a specific talent, or blessed to be in a good family, or even blessed to have woken up this morning. But every single blessing you have has the opportunity to bless someone else. So how are you using yours?


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